Tevfik Arif

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

Tefvik Arif was the chairman of Bayrock Group, the murky company that partnered with Donald Trump to build Trump SoHo in lower Manhattan.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.

In June of 2005, Tevfik Arif celebrated his birthday at the grand opening of Turkey’s most luxurious hotel, the “seven-star” Rixos Premium Belek.
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