ISK Eurostroy

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Money laundering and offshore schemes: Kuban developer Nikolai Shykhidi cleans up negative content about himself online
Money laundering and offshore schemes: Kuban developer Nikolai Shykhidi cleans up negative content about himself online
The unusual financial activities of companies owned by Nikolai Shikhidi, a Kuban-based developer, may soon attract the attention of law enforcement agencies.
From fraud to elite residential complexes: what lies behind the activities of the fraudulent builders Nikolai Shikhidi and Sofia Toros
From fraud to elite residential complexes: what lies behind the activities of the fraudulent builders Nikolai Shikhidi and Sofia Toros
The development of Tank Passage in Lefortovo will be managed by former treasury official Sofia Toros and her relative, the well-known Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi, whose namesake was involved in a series of criminal cases.
Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi funnels money offshore through his partner Maria Chistyakova
Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi funnels money offshore through his partner Maria Chistyakova
Nikolai Shikhidi, the owner of the company "SZ ISK ’Eurostroy’" and a businessman with a criminal background, persists in illegally diverting funds from Russia.
Banned construction and document forgery: what Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi is hiding
Banned construction and document forgery: what Kuban developer Nikolai Shikhidi is hiding
After ISK "Eurostroy" burst onto the Moscow development market, an information attack began against its owner, Nikolai Shikhidi – the Kuban developer was reminded of all his youthful sins.
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